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Prepared Slides

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Set of Mammalian Anatomy Slides

A set of six slides from mammal tissues that have been expertly stained with haematoxylin and Eosin. Originally prepared by ESP Ltd in Sussex. The material consists of compact bone, thyroid, peripheral nerve, salivary gland, stomach wall and areolar tissue. Complete with presentation box.

Price £10.00 + vat

ESP Slides of Bugs (2380)

Some years ago, ESP was a major supplier of educational microscope slides of quality. This is a set of six slides from what can best be described as 'bugs' The slides are of Mite, Pediculus female, Pediculus male and female, Culex image head, Culex larva and Pieris image proboscis

Each appropriately labelled and the set of six slides re boxed.

Price £7.50 + vat

ESP Leaf Structure Slides

Some years ago ESP were a major supplier of educational microscope slides of quality. This is a set of six slides of leaf structure stained expertly with safranin and light green to show the various components. Haircap moss, pinus female cone, acer node, monocotyledon leaf, phytophthora (water mould) and pellia. Complete with presentation slide box.

Price £10.00 +vat

ESP Stem Structure Slides

Some years ago ESP were a major supplier of educational microscope slides of quality. This is a set of six slides of stem sections stained  with safranin and light green to show the various components. Wheat, water lily, broad bean, maize L/S and T/S, dicotyledon and monocotyledon,  and scotch broom. Complete with presentation slide box.

Price £12.00 +vat

ESP Stem Sections (2379)

ESP were probably the last company to produce microscope prepared slides in the UK and there quality reflects this. This is a set of six slides stained beautifully to show the appropriate structures. The material consists of Sarothamnus, Nymphaea, Vicia TS, Zea LS, Cururbita, and Dicot/ Monocot Each is appropriately labelled and the set is in a slide box

Price £7.50 + vat

Brunel Zoology Set

An excellent primer for those studying mammalian tissue structures. The 25 slides cover all the main organs and tissue types. There are good sized pieces of tissue and have been stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Our own brand. Complete with slide box .

Price £16.67 + vat

ESP Botanical Root Slides (2427)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. Their workers had skills which are rapidly disappearing. This is a set six slides of botanical root sections that have been expertly stained to show the morphology. The material is from Helianthus old and new, Helianthus old LS, Maize, Fern, Pine and Horsetail.

,Price £7.50 + vat

ESP Fern Structure Slides (2428)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. Their workers had skills which are rapidly disappearing. This is a set five slides of fern structure sections that have been expertly stained to show the morphology. The material is from Prothallus with female reproduction organs, Antheridia whole mount, Fern root, Archegonia male part whole mount and Sporophyte whole mount.

,Price £7.50 + vat

ESP Worm Slides (2429)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. The variety of specimen types reflects their link to education courses. This is a set of 13 slides made up of worm parts of all types. Specifically there are Planarian pharynx area, Ascaris oesophagus area, Taenia tapeworm segment, mature whole mount and transverse section, Hydatid worm -Echinococcus granulosus whole mount, Hookworm ova, Pin worm whole mount, Taenia segment mature and gravid transverse section, Lumbricus setae, Fasciola ova and Fasciola cerearia whole mount. Probably a unique set in slide case.

,Price £16.25 + vat

ESP Slides of Fungi (2430)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. The variety of specimen types reflects their link to education courses. This is a set of nine slides of elements of fungi and include: The fruiting body of Peziza apothecum, Rhizopus conjugation and zygospores whole mount, Psalliota  - gilled mushroom, Stem rust - Puccinia graminis, Brewers yeast - Saccharomyces whole mount, Mucor asexual whole mount, White rust Albugo conidia transverse section through host leaf, Mucor conjugation and zygospores and Phytophthera - blight in leaf. All appropriately stained and well presented in a slide box.

Price £16.25 + vat

ESP Special Preparations (2431)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. The range of material in some ways was unique to them and we have collected them together in a set of 24 slides.

Blood smears from bird, mammal and amphibian, Whitefish blastula showing mitosis, Tuberculosis in a section of tissue,Sponge spicules, Rabbit embryo 10 mm whole mount, Fern, Selaginella - moss, Actinia - sea anemone, Spirillium - gram negative bacteria, Capsella - Shepherd purse, Oedogonium cap cells in algae, Anguilla - European eel, Moss - female head, Locust testis - meiosis, Aurelia tentacle - jellyfish, Pollen - germinating, Human salivary gland, Club moss, Trypanosomes in blood smear - sleeping sickness, Nostoc - cyanobacteria, Laminaria - algae and Mouse embryo whole mount. These have all been beautifully prepared and stained as appropriate. Complete with slide box

Price £46.67 + vat

ESP Insect Parts (2432)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. This set consists of 12 slides of various insect parts. Mite - whole mount, Head of housefly - whole mount, Head louse - male and female, Mosquito larva - whole mount, Head louse - female whole mount, Housefly leg - whole mount. Honeybee wing, cornea and sting, Mosquito eggs and Mosquito imago head. A well presented set in a slide box.

Price £23.33 + vat

ESP Botanical Slide Set (2382)

ESP were probably the last company to make prepared microscope slides for education within the UK. Their workers had skills which are rapidly disappearing. This is a set of 25 slides of botanical material, including Solanum, Pelia, Oedogonium cap cells, Rhizobium in root, Helianthus leaf, Vicia root, Monocot and Dicot stem, Lycopodium stem, Pollen, Pollen germinating, Zea stem, Tilia old stem, Tilia young stem, Vicia stem, Pinus young root, Zea root tip, Pinus young stem, Pinus female cone, Dryopteris root, Selaginella stem, Pinus young and old stem, Equisetum root and Equisetum stem. All appropriately stained and in a slide box


ESP Slides of Flies

These are 6 slides of ‘flies’ and includes imago head, anopheles imago head and mouth, musca imago leg, anopheles ova, drosophila vestigial wing male and female and anopheles pupa whole mount.

Price £8.00 + vat

ESP Slides of Worms

There are so many different species of worms in the world and this is a set of slides of worms that can live in us and our pets, with two from our good friend the garden worm(Lumbricus). Three slides are of the large round worm Ascaris (WHO estimates that approximately 1 billion people in the world have this worm which can grow up to 35cms!). The slides are female, male and cross section of the oesophagus region. The other slide is from a tape worm Taenia which is a cross section through the gravid proglottids which is the segment packed full of eggs ready to infect others. A set not for the ‘faint hearted’!

Price £10.00 + vat

NBS Diatom Test Slides (2302a)

Diatoms have long been used to test the resolving power and the correct setting up of microscopes. This is a set of four slides from NBS the company owned by the late Eric Marson who was one of the leaders of slide preparation techniques of his time. The slides are of Amphipleura pellucida, Stauroneis phoenicenteron, Nitzschia sigma and Surirella gemma


NBS Test Diatom Slides (3187)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all thing involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself. This is a set of test diatoms including the following: Surirella gemma, Amphipleura pellucida, Frustulia rhomboides, Stauroneis phoenicenteron, Strewn diatoms from HMS Discovery and Nitzchia sigma


Set of Abraham Flatters Slides (3271)

Abraham Flatters was one half of Flatters and Garnett Ltd that formed in 1901 and became in the early part of that century the largest producer of slide preparations in this country - if not the world. Prior to 1901 Flatters worked alone on slide production and achieved recognition for his skills and was elected FRMS in 1902. His slides from the 1890’s were labelled in his own hand. This set of 40 slides have some labelled in his own hand with most having more printed labels. All of the top labels have the word ‘Histology’ even though quite a few of them are botanical in origin and the bottom labels have his name monogram. All have circular coverslips that have mostly been ringed in brown and yellow although the rings have lost some areas. All appear to have been mounted in Canada Balsam which of course has yellowed with age. Indeed the whole collection does show signs of its age.

The historical record tells us that Flatters displayed enormous energy and technical skills and produced a very large number of slides in his lifetime as a mounter. Unfortunately he had a difficult temperament which marked his inability to work with others for very long. Life was not good to him in many ways with his first wife committing suicide by drinking nitric acid from his own laboratory in 1903.

Price £154.17 + vat

Set of 72 Flatters and Garnett Slides (3270)

Flatters and Garnett Ltd  formed in 1901 and became in the early part of that century the largest producer of slide preparations in this country - if not the world. The company continued with that name long after Flatters left and traded supplying prepared microscope slides until their bankruptcy in 1967. This is an early set of their slides with many  having pen and ink labels, although all have the Flatters and Garnett base label. They probably date from approximately 1920 or so Some have circular coverslips that have been ringed and other the more traditional square or rectangular coverslips. All have been mounted in canada balsam which has yellowed with age. The main labels all say ‘Histology’ but many of the specimens are botanical in nature,

The set is in a pine slide box of the period with 12 balsam and card trays   


NBS Insect Parts Slides (3272)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all things involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself with the exception of diatom and rock slides. This is a very early set of insect parts probably dating from the 1950’s or so..

Price £12.50 + vat

NBS Freshwater Organisms (3274)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all things involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself with the exception of diatom and rock slides. This is a very early set of insect parts probably dating from just after WW11 when NBS reopened in 1946.


NBS Fungi Slides (3275)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all things involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself with the exception of diatom and rock slides. This is a set of stained fungi slides dating from 1980 or so

Price £7.50 + vat

NBS Mammal Histology (3277)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all things involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself with the exception of diatom and rock slides. This is a set of stained mammal histology slides dating from 1980 or so


NBS Pollen Slides (3278)

For many years in the later part of the last century Northern Biological Supplies owned and run by  the late Eric Marson was the go to supplier of all things involved in microscope slide production as well as a significant range of prepared slides. All mounted by Eric himself with the exception of diatom and rock slides. This is a set of stained pollen slides dating from 1980 or so


Brunel Microscopes Ltd, Langley Building, Kington Park, Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 5PZ.   Tel: 01249 462655.