Used Microscopes
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Microscopy Books
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Almost a century ago the thing that everyone wanted was a microscope because of this books about microscopes and specimen preparation were as plentiful as books (and Youtube videos) are today about computers and the Internet. Sadly the interest in microscopy -
The Microscopic Photographs of J B Dancer
John Benjamin Dancer was an optician who lived most of his life in Manchester. He was the inventor of microphotography. The Dancer microscopic photographs averaged 1/8” inch in diameter and were produced as a scientific novelty to be viewed through a microscope. This excellently presented book brings together for the first time a nearly complete representation of the Dancer 1873 collection with biographical information on each microscopic photograph. Written by Brian Bracegirdle and James McCormick. Hard backed with 280 pages and a hard backed sleeve. Condition excellent
Price £40.00
God Bless the Microscope
Written by Gerard L’E Turner (a prolific microscopy book writer) this is a complete history of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) over 150 years. Hard backed with 166 pages and some excellent photographs down the ages. Excellent condition.
Price £10.00
The Book of the Microscope
This is exactly the sort of microscopy book that needed to be written for current publication. This is one in a series of ‘how to’ books that were very popular when this was written in 1935. Clearly targeted at the beginner to microscopy the book covers the use of the microscope and specimen preparation techniques. Recommended for beginners or returners of advanced age! Hard backed with 245 pages and an index,
Price £10.00
Handbook of Practical Bacteriology
The wealth of knowledge that we now have about bacteriology was established many decades ago, and we would do well to remember what we know already about bacteria particularly in the light of antibiotic resistance. This book was virtually the ‘bible’ of bacteriology. Written by Machie and McCartney it is the reference book for bacteriologists. Hard backed and first written in 1945, it remains very relevant. 719 pages with an index. Its volume simply describes the life work of these authors.
Price £15.00
Under the Microscope
Written by three authors; Curry, Grayson and Hosey. This is the complete microscope book at a level of detail well suited to the amateur microscopist who doesn’t want to be bogged down in too much detail. It takes you through the structure of the microscope and even tells you how to make one! Other chapters deal with mounting specimens, minerals, photography and more specialised methods. Many photographs and illustrations. Printed in 1982 it is hard backed with 160 pages and an index. A good book.
Price £12.00
Quekett Club Journals
This is Series 4, volume 2, no’s 1-
Price £56.00
Quekett Club Journals
This is a complete Series 4, volume V, no’s 1-
Price £66.00
Light Microscopy in Analysis
This is an excellent book that describes how microscopy plays its part in all aspects of modern life including the production of plastics, food, forensic investigation, water supplies, brewing etc with many more applications. Written by Simpson and Simpson it is hard backed with 215 pages and an index. A very instructive tome. Condition excellent.
Price £12.00
Scientific PhotoMACROgraphy
As the title suggests this is a book that is concerned with the photography of scientific specimens under low power magnification. Without doubt this is the challenging end of magnification and photography. Written by Bracegirdle the content is clear and precise. RMS series number 31. It deals with both transmitted and incident illumination. 105 pages with an index
Price £17.00
Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging (3120)
This is an excellent book detailing the fundamentals and laws of light physics behind the various types of microscopy including polarisation, phase contrast, DIC, modulation contrast, confocal and fluorescence. It is definitely not for the beginner or those wanting to know how to make slide preparations, But if you want to know why and how these different types of microscopy work then its for you. It has many diagrams and illustrations and the odd mathematical formula. Hard backed with 368 pages and an index.
Price £20.00
The Evolution of the Microscope
When it comes to the evolution of the microscope together with its history there are few more prolific authors that S. Bradbury -
Price £14.00
Elementary Microtechnique
If making microscope slides is your thing, then this is a must have book. The skills and knowledge that makes this possible just isn’t in microscopy books today. This volume as you can see has been well used probably in a laboratory situation, but the information between its covers is priceless. All aspects of slide preparation are covered in detail with recipes and practical tips in abundance. Hard backed with 330 pages and an index. Recommended
Honeybee Anatomy Brought to Life (3121)
Written by Graham Kingham and published by Northern Bee Books -
Price £10.00
The Microscope (3134)
Written many years ago by Theodore Stephanides its content remains very valid for todays microscopes. Put simply it describes the component parts of microscopes and how they should be used correctly. Books like this don’t seem to get published these days. Hard backed with 160 pages and an index.
Textile Fibres under the Microscope
This is a really good book on the subject with excellent photographs and it covers the different wool fibres, animal fibres, cotton, vegetable fibres and synthetic fibres. It is hard backed with 57 pages but for the subject matter there is no equal.
Price £15.00
Microscopical Mounts and Mounters
Probably the most prolific author in the relatively modern microscopy world is Brian Bracegirdle and this is yet another of his publications. One of the most popular areas of microscopy is the collection of antique microscope slides from the Victorian era.and this book seeks to provide what is known about these individual slide mounters who made a good living from providing prepared slides for those with the funds to afford microscopes but who did not want to get their hands ‘dirty’ preparing the slides!
Price £18.00
Plant Microtechnique and Microscopy (3122)
An ideal book for those that specialise in botanical microscopy. Very much from a practical perspective it covers plant microscopy in great depth. Not really for the beginner in this area but for those with prior experience. It has multiple appendices covering microscope issues, buffers and even histochemistry. Paper backed with 322 pages and an index with illustrations where needed.
RMS Dictionary of Light Microscopy
This is an excellent book compiled by the Nomenclature Committee of the Royal Microscopy Society. The clue is in the name -
Price £12.00
Biological Microtechnique (3123)
We are delighted to see this fine publication back in print. Written by J B Sanderson, it is an easy to read practical guide providing readers with all the knowledge they require to prepare better and more informative slides. Many pictures and diagrams. Part of the Microscopy Handbook Series, it has been out of print for some time but is now available again @ £45 which is expensive but in our view the information it contains is well worth it. However this used copy in good condition is now a bargain.
A Natural History of the Lakes, Tarn and Streams of the English Lake District (3127)
A book with a long title! However for those with an interest in fresh water life, particularly in the Lake District, this is the definitive book for you. Written by Geoffrey Fryer it covers the full gambit of natural history in this area including as well as microscopic life, rock formation, history and water movements. In the main it deals with microscopic life but also plants, beetles, flies, molluscs and fish. Paper backed with 368 pages and index, with many illustrations.
Light and Video Microscopy (3124)
An in depth account of all aspects of microscopy to a very high level. Certainly not suited to the relative beginner to microscopy. However if the physics of light formation and its relevancy to microscope images could add to your existing knowledge then this would be a very valuable book.
Hard backed with 288 pages and an index.
Price £18.00
Digital Microscopy (3125)
This is another excellently presented tome that has a title that suggests it might be of interest to anyone with an interest in taking photographs with a microscope. However although it is an excellent publication with exceptional illustrations it is only for those who need advanced level support in this area. Hard backed with 608 pages with a truly amazing final section of colour photomicrographs.
Price £20.00
Integrated Principles of Zoology (3129)
This is a book that is so complete about it subject matter and so large that it is difficult to understand how the authors managed to pull it together in their life time! Written by Hickman and Roberts it literally covers all of Zoology and the complex relationships therein. A monster of a book -
Price £26.00
Qualitative Polarised Light Microscopy
A book for those with a keen interest in microscopy. Written by Robinson and Bradbury -
Price £16.00
Microscopy of Textile Fibres
This is one of the RMS series of microscopy books. Written by Greaves and Saville, it deals with the identification and measurement of fibres for polarising light microscopy and also scanning and transmitted electron microscopy and also confocal light microscopy. 92 pages with an index . Still available by special printing at £45.
Food Microscopy
This is number 30 in the RMS series of books. Written by Olga Flint it covers the microscopy of food . It is amazing where starch manages to show up. This is no longer in current production. A very interesting book with 125 pages and many illustrations together with an index. Condition as new.
Price £10.00
The Revealing Lens (3131)
This book was written by Brian J Ford who is an authority on microscope publications designed to make the understanding of microscopy easily understood. He is now a ‘senior’ citizen of the microscopy world having been born in Wiltshire in 1939. Like all of his books this is very revealing and takes us through the journey of what microscopes have been able to tell us over time. Hard backed with its original dust cover it has 208 pages with an index and many photographs.
Price £10.00
Illustrated Dictionary of Natural History (3132)
The name of the book tells you everything. Whatever you need to know about natural history its in here. Written by Lincoln and Boxshall it is difficult to imagine how on earth they gathered together all this information. That apart, there are over 10 thousand entries with many having illustrations. A soft backed volume with 413 pages. Worth every penny!
Price £15.00
Introduction to Crystallography
A very specialised RMS microscopy handbook series 19. If the microscopy of crystals is your interest this is the book for you. However it is not really for those with a passing interest in crystals. This book is where geometry meets microscopy. 122 pages with an index. Condition very good.
Price £12.00
Unbiased Stereology
This book deals with how to make three dimensional measurements in microscopy. Written by C V Howard and M G Reed and is part of the RMS series. What is impressive is that the authors deal with this in a practical way that is easy to understand and they avoid complex mathematical formulae. They cover number estimates, length and particle sizes etc. 246 pages with an index. Condition very good.
Price £15.00
Experimenting with the Microscope (3133)
This is definitely a book for the relative beginner. Written by Krauter. It has a section that is really a refresher about the use of the microscope. However, the main part of the book deals with the process of making slide preparations from basic substances, such as foodstuffs (tea, coffee and tobacco), wood, textiles and paper and experiments with blood, bacteria and moulds. Soft backed with 223 pages with an index and many illustrations.
Price £10.00
Histological and Histochemical Methods (3139)
This book would be the ‘Bible’ for anyone that is seriously into slide preparation. It is the equivalent of Mrs Beetons Cookbook in microscopy slide making. There is probably no methodology that is not here. Full recipes with the detail of how to prepare the solutions and how to use them. For those wanting to go even further there is a section on Histochemistry which is really Chemistry on a microscope slide. Not really for the beginner, but a must for those who are serious about slide preparation. 606 pages with an index.
Price £20.00
The Technique of Photomicrography (3140)
Taking good photographs through a microscope is a science -
Price £10.00
Brunel Microscopes Ltd, Langley Building, Kington Park, Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 5PZ. Tel: 01249 462655.
Contrast Techniques in Light Microscopy (3189)
This is the book needed to take the next steps in obtaining better detail in microscopy imaging. Written by the notable authors Bradbury and Evernett the book covers all aspects of the technology needed for phase contrast, DIC etc. A well written book full of practical information and currently no longer in print.
Price £18.00
Guide to Microlife (3190)
Written by Rainis and Russell, this book does exactly what it’s title says. Without doubt it is absolutely ideal for the beginner microscopist. If it is alive and microscopic it will be described here. There are many excellent photographs and illustrations. Paper backed with 287 pages and an index. Recommended.
Notes on Modern Microscope Manufacturers (3191)
The former director of the Science Museum was a prolific writer of books about not only microscopy but a wide range of historical topics. This book is typical of Bracegirdle's approach he has researched the history of microscope manufacture with the resources available to him and produced the definitive catalogue of who made what and when from 1850 onwards. For microscope collectors this is an invaluable book. Condition excellent. Hard backed with 88 pages.
Photography through the Microscope (3192)
Produced by Kodak who obviously had an interest in this subject and written by John Delly. As would be expected the images are excellent. Although this book covers the subject from the perspective of traditional film the information and practical advice is just as relevant in today's digital world. A very practical book covering what is seen by many as one of the problem areas in microscopy. Paper backed with 96 pages and an index. Good condition
Price £10.00
Solitary Bees (3194)
Written by Ted Benton this book covers the life cycle and habitat of the solitary bees found in the British Isles. It has an extensive glossary with a detailed key to the identification of all the genera of bees found. Soft backed with 202 pages and an index. Naturalists Handbook series number 33
Price £8.00
Honeybee Drones (3195)
The name ‘Drone’ has unfortunate connotations with laziness which means that the poor old honeybee drone receives far less attention than their sister honeybee workers who effectively work themselves to death for the sake of the hive. This fine book written by Graham Kingham to a degree redresses the balance. It covers the life cycle, anatomy and detailed dissection of the drone with many excellent illustrations and photographs.
Price £10.00
Photography with a Microscope (3196)
The title of this excellent book says it all really. Written by Rost and Oldfield it covers in great detail all types of microscopy with the challenges they make on getting good photographs with the emphasis on practical detail. As would be expected there are some superb photographs and may illustrations. Hard backed with 278 pages and index. Recommended.
An Introduction to the Optical Microscope (3197)
The Royal Microscopical Society has published a range of microscopy books and these tend to drop in and out of availability. This book is number 1 in the series and is not currently available. It is an excellent book that describes the microscope and its various parts. There is an excellent section on how to put things right that have gone wrong and a really good glossary of terms. Written by Savile Bradbury it has 86 pages and an index.
Price £15.00
The Role of Microscopy in Semiconductor Failure Analysis (3198)
To be fair there are few to whom this book would be relevant, but for those few it would be invaluable. From the RMS handbook series it is number 25. Written by Richards and Footner, it does exactly that by showing how microscopes can assist with identifying component failure in microelectronics. 108 pages with an index.
Price £15.00
Basic Measurement Techniques for Light Microscopy (3199)
RMS handbook series number 23. Written by Savile Bradbury, it addresses one of the constant issues that we get telephone calls about -
Price £15.00
Cooke Microscopes (3200)
This is a Cooke Troughton and Simms publication and effectively a catalogue describing the structure and effectiveness of Cook microscopes in 1946. What is amazing are the prices. They have gone up a bit since then. This is a book for the collector. Good condition.